A partial refund can be issued at any time before your event ends. If you are issuing a refund or cancellation for an entire order, please refer to our Cancel an order and issue a refund for your event page for a step-by-step guide.
To cancel an order and issue a refund for your event:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page and select the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager', select the 'Orders & Attendees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. From the 'Orders' tab, locate the order you would like to cancel/refund using the search bar. You can search by the buyer's first name, last name, email, or order ID.
4. Open the drop-down menu by clicking on the three dots beside the order, and choose the option 'Refund & Cancel'.
5. A popup will appear for you to confirm the action you would like to take. If you wish to issue a partial refund, you can set a custom refund amount with or without cancellation on it. You can also refund an entire order from here.
To customize the action you’d like to take:
- Use the checkboxes to select which ticket(s) in the order you would like to take action on. Any ticket that is not selected will be greyed out and will remain unchanged.
- Use the ‘Cancel’ toggle to set whether a ticket should be cancelled or not.
- Enter the amount of the ticket you would like to refund to the buyer. The default is set to a full refund per ticket, however, you can edit that to set a custom amount from $0 (no refund) to the maximum amount on the ticket, which is the amount paid of the face value of the ticket.
- The custom amount can be either a fixed or percentage amount.
- Fees & Taxes will adjust accordingly and the difference in Fees & Taxes from the original purchase and the “new” ticket price will be returned to the buyer. To learn more about how this is calculated, scroll down.
Warning: Once a ticket has been cancelled, no further action can be taken on a ticket. If a ticket is cancelled but not refunded in full, it will not be possible to refund any additional funds associated with that ticket.
Warning: If a ticket is Partially Refunded, but NOT cancelled, it will also not be possible to refund any additional funds associated with the ticket.
You can issue a custom refund amount up to the amount paid of the face value of the ticket. The face value of the ticket is the ticket price before any taxes or fees are applied. This is the amount that you entered on the Event Creation or Edit form.
Note: The maximum custom amount that can be refunded may be lower than the face value if a discount code was applied to the ticket at checkout. For example, a $50 ticket with a 50% off discount code applied would have a maximum custom refund amount of $25 only.
When refunding a custom amount, all applicable fees and taxes are re-calculated based on the "new" ticket price and the difference will be returned to the buyer.
6. When ready, select the button at the bottom of the modal to confirm your action. Any action taken here cannot be undone.
Once cancelled, the buyer will receive a cancellation confirmation email and the refund will take a few days to appear in their bank account.