By default, orders are accepted automatically. However, you can choose to set your event to require your approval before each booking.
When you require your approval for each booking, buyers will be notified of this process before they submit their booking request. If this is an order containing paid tickets, a pre-authorisation for the payment will be placed on the card and the funds will be held until the order is approved or rejected in the Event Manager. Any order containing paid tickets will expire if not approved or declined within a 7 day period.
Note: This setting can be set at the event level only, not per ticket type. If you want to use
Requires Approval for a specific ticket type, best practice would be to create a separate listing.
Note: Requires Approval supports cards that require Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
Requires Approval does not support purchases via alternative payment methods such as
PayPal, IDEAL, Bancontact, SOFORT, etc.
To set your event to require your approval:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to Your Events, and select the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Editor', select the 'Advanced Settings' option from the menu down the left side of your Event's Manage page.
3. Locate the 'Requires Approval' setting in the 'Advanced Ticketing' section at the top of the page. Click the dropdown menu and select 'Orders Require Approval'.
4. Save your changes.
To approve or decline booking requests:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to Your Events, and select the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager', select the 'Orders & Attendees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. All orders for your event will show here, and any orders that have not yet been approved or declined, will have a status of 'Approval Required'.
Note: By default, this page will show orders for your next event, if you have multiple dates on your event page, you can select the date you'd like to view from the date dropdown menu at the top of the page.
4. To review the details of an order, click the three dots to the right of the order you would like to review and then select 'Review Order'. Each order will need to be reviewed individually.
5. A popup will appear showing details for the buyer as well as each ticket in the order, including any custom information you've requested.
6. Once you've reviewed the request, select either 'Approve Order' or 'Decline Order'.
- Once you approve, a confirmation email will be sent. If it's a paid event, the buyer's card will be charged. If you decline, a notice will be sent to the buyer and the pre-authorized funds will be
Note: All tickets in the order will be either approved or declined. It's not possible to approve or decline part of an order.