This article includes instructions on how to reschedule your event if your new date is known as well as if your new date is not yet confirmed.
Note: Different jurisdictions have different laws regarding refunding customers in the event of a date change. Check your local laws to ensure you are compliant when determining your refund policy.
To reschedule your event with new date:
You will need to:
- Notify all attendees of the new date
- Change the event time to your new date
- Update your event title and/or description to indicate that it has been rescheduled to a new date
- If you had set start/end times for ticket sales, update those
Notify all attendees of rescheduling and new date:
1. You can send a message through Universe by navigating to the 'Orders & Attendees' tab and clicking the 'Message Attendees' button.
Note: You can also download your attendee report and use the emails listed there to contact your attendees using your own email.
Change the event time to your new date:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page, and select the title of the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager' page, select the 'Orders & Attendees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
5. A pop up will appear. Enter the new date/time of your event here. Once you've entered the new date, select 'confirm change for your change to take effect.
Update event title and description:
1. From the side menu, select Event Information and then select the Basics tab from the drop down menu.
2. Edit the event name and description to include a note that this event has been rescheduled.
Change start / end time of ticket sales:
If you did not set up start / end times for tickets in your original event, skip this step.
1. From the side menu, select Event Information and then select the Tickets tab from the drop down menu
2. Select the ticket type you are wanting to edit by clicking the gear icon.
3. Change the ticket start and end time to reflect your new date. If you have multiple ticket types, you will need to complete this step for each ticket type.
Issue refunds to buyers:
1. If a buyer cannot make the new date, and you wish to refund them, follow the instructions outlined here: Cancel an order and issue a refund for your event.
Note: a refund will not be able to be processed if there is an open chargeback on the order or if a ticket within the order has been transferred.
To reschedule your event without a new date:
You will need to:
- Notify all attendees that the event is being rescheduled and let them know that a new date is to be determined
- Update your advanced settings so that buyers do not get reminder emails
- Change the event time to a date in the future (within 12 months) and hide the date / time from your event
- Remove the ticket sales start / end times if you had them set up
- Update your event title and description to include that it has been rescheduled but date is to be determined
- Hide your tickets so that buyers cannot purchase new tickets
Notify all attendees of rescheduling:
1. You can send a message through Universe by navigating to the 'Orders & Attendees' tab and clicking the 'Message Attendees' button. Make sure to let buyers know that a date is still to be determined.
Note: You can also download your attendee report and use the emails listed there to contact your attendees using your own email.
Update Advanced Settings to turn off reminder emails:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page, and select the title of the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager' page, select 'Advanced Settings' from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. Scroll down to the 'Email Notifications' section, and turn off reminder emails and order emails.
4. Click 'Save' to save your changes.
Change the event time to your new date & hide date / time from event:
1. From your 'Event Manager' page, select the 'Orders & Attendees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
4. A pop up will appear. Enter the new date/time of your event here. Once you've entered the new date, select 'update event time' for your change to take effect.
Remove start / end time of ticket sales:
If you did not set up start / end times for tickets in your original event, skip this step.
1. From the side menu, select Event Information and then select the Tickets tab from the drop down menu
2. select the ticket type you are wanting to edit by clicking the gear icon.
3. Delete the ticket start and end time. If you have multiple ticket types, you will need to complete this step for each ticket type.
Update event title and description:
1. From the side menu, select Event Information and then select the Basics tab from the drop down menu
2. Edit the event name and description to include a note that this event has been rescheduled and the date is to be determined.
Hide your tickets:
1. From the side menu, select Event Information and then select the Tickets tab from the drop down menu
2. select the ticket type you wish to edit.
3. Change the 'Ticket Status' of the ticket to 'Hidden'.
Issue refunds to buyers:
1. If a buyer cannot make the new date, and you wish to refund them, follow the instructions outlined here: Cancel an order and issue a refund for your event.
Note: a refund will not be able to be processed if there is an open chargeback on the order or if a ticket within an order has been transferred.