This article is a high-level overview defining all fields included in this report.
Note: the event level and account level Chargebacks report share the same report fields
Chargeback ID: This is the unique alphanumeric code associated with the chargeback. This code will generally consist of a set of numbers followed by the currency (i.e., 12345-usd).
Settlement Currency: This is the currency used to settle the order. event host receives funds in this currency.
Ticket Status: This will display the status of the chargeback. The values will be ‘lost’, ‘won’ or ‘open’.
Order ID: Unique alphanumeric code assigned to each order issued by Universe. Each ticket in an order will be assigned a unique Ticket ID.
Buyer Email: Buyer’s email address.
Buyer Name: Buyer’s full name.
Amount: Total value of the order.
CC Chargeback Fee: Credit card chargeback fee.
Net Sales: Total order value minus Universe fees.
Created At: Date when the order was disputed by the buyer.
Listing ID: This is the unique alphanumeric code associated with the listing
Event ID: This is the unique alphanumeric code associated with the event.
Listing Name: Name of the event listing.
Order Status: This will display the status of the order in relation to the chargeback. If the order has a Ticket Status of ‘won’, the Order Status will display ‘closed’. If the Ticket Status is ‘lost’, the Order Status will display ‘cancelled’. If the Ticket Status is ‘open’ the Order Status will display ‘disputed’.
Resolution Date: This will display the date of the chargeback resolution. This field will be blank if the Order Status is in the ‘disputed’ state.
Note: tickets which are under the status “disputed” at the time of the event cannot be scanned into the event. Tickets are not valid and should not be allowed for admission.