Once you have created your event, you can manage your settings, make changes, and access promotional tools at any time.
Note: Before you dive into your event manager, please make sure to fill in your information under Settings > Billing Information.
To Manage Your Event:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page, and select the event you would like to manage. Once selected, you'll be re-directed to your event's manage page. This is where all data, details and management and promotion tools for your event can be found and can be navigated using the menu down the left side of your page.
Features Within Event Manager:
1. Overview: This page will give you an “at-a-glance” summary of your event performance, including a financial overview and tickets sold / remaining by ticket type.
Note: If you have multiple dates on your event page, select the date you'd like to view from the dropdown at the top of the screen, or view a summary for 'all events'.
2. Orders & Attendees: The Orders & Attendees page has three tabs: Orders, Attendees, and Add An Order
- The 'Orders' tab shows a row for each order for your event (may contain multiple tickets) and there are columns for first name, last name, and email of the buyer, status (i.e. paid, cancelled, etc.), date of order, sales, and a drop down with additional actions. From this page you can message all guests, contact a buyer, view order details, resend tickets, edit order info, cancel/refund an order, move an order to another date, and change the date of your event.
- The 'Attendees' tab shows a row for each ticket/attendee for your event and there are columns for first name, last name, email, ticket type, status (i.e. paid, cancelled, etc.), amount, and a drop down menu with additional actions. From this page, you can message all guests, contact a specific guest, view tickets and ticket details, and edit attendee info.
- The 'Add an Order' button shows on the top right of the screen. This tab allows you to issue complimentary tickets and manually add attendees to your event.
3. Reports: Download Excel or CSV reports for your your event and view your basic sales overview and other basic ticket sales stats.
4. Event Information:
The tabs in the Event Information section are where you edit event details including, title, description, contact details, date/time, tickets, refund policy, and other general information about your event. Changes can be made at any time. The sub-menu options under this section will vary based on whether you created a regular or timed entry event.
On a Regular Event: The Event Information tab has four pages within it:
- Basics: Edit your event's title and description, as well as setting category and privacy settings
- Time and Location: Edit your existing dates and venue information, or add additional timeslots
- Tickets: Edit and add new ticket types, change your currency settings and set a refund policy
- Additional Details: Add your contact details, give additional information to your buyers and customize your event photos
On a Timed Entry Event: The Event Information tab has five pages within it:
- Basics: edit event details including, title, description, address, venue name and other general information about your event.
Note: It's not possible to delete a single timeslot or repeating timeslot if tickets have been sold for those dates/times. Those tickets must be cancelled and refunded in order for a single timeslot or repeating timeslot to be deleted.
- Tickets: Create, delete and/or edit settings on existing paid, free or donation ticket types. Click on the gear icon beside a ticket type to manage advanced settings including a ticket description, availability (ticket sales start and end time), minimum and maximum tickets per order, ticket status (available, hidden, or locked), and release time of tickets.
Note: It's not possible to delete a ticket type if tickets have already been sold. It is also not possible to remove a ticket type from applying to a timeslot if sales have been processed for those dates/timeslots.
- Additional Details:: Add your contact details, give additional information to your buyers and customize your event photos
5. Checkout Questions: Use this page to add questions for your buyers to answer when they checkout. Gather information from the buyer (if they are purchasing multiple tickets) or require an answer for each attendee.
6. Payments & Fees: From here, manage the following settings:
- Select whether you would like to process payments with Universe payments or by integrating your own Stripe account
- Select whether you pay the service fees, or if they are passed to the buyer (location dependent)
- Add an additional fee to your tickets (for example, tax or the Universe service fee)
7. Embeddable Widgets: Sell tickets on your own website without redirecting buyers to Universe or a third-party site. No coding is required to set this up. View a step by step guide on setting this up here.
8. Discount Codes: From the discount codes page, you can create and manage discount coupon codes for your event. You can create as many coupon codes as needed, set the discount amount (fixed or %) and the number of tickets the discount can be applied. You can also set which ticket types each code can be applied to, and which tickets accept or do not accept discounts (from the 'configure tickets' tab). Discount codes can be added individually or uploaded in bulk from a CSV.
Note: If you created a timed-entry event and would like to offer a discount on select dates or timeslots during your event's run you will need to create a new ticket type that is applied to just the desired dates and timeslots. Once the ticket type is created, you can configure a discount code to apply to that ticket type. Ensure your ticket types have unique names so you can easily differentiate one from the other.
9: Promote: When selecting Promote from the menu, additional sub-settings will appear in the menu. These sub-settings provide access to additional promotional tools. View our Promote Guide for information on promoting your listing.
10: Integrations: The Integrations page lets you integrate your event with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, MailChimp, webhooks and Zapier.
11: Access Keys: This page allows you to create password protected ticket types. Use access keys to control who can see and book certain ticket types by making them visible only to people with the code.
12: Advanced Settings: Manage advanced settings and email notification preferences here. Choose whether buyers will be able to edit the ticket / order information, transfer their tickets, and whether bookings require your approval. Also, set how you'd like to receive emails about bookings and if you'd like to turn off the event reminder email.
13: Duplicate Listing: Duplicating a listing will create a new listing with all details and advanced settings set on the listing you are duplicating from. When you 'Duplicate Listing' you'll be re-directed to the event creation form for your new event to make any additional changes needed before you publish your event.
Note: This feature is only available for regular events. If you selected the Timed-entry option during the event creation process the duplication feature will not be available. New timed entry events must be created using the standard create process at Universe.com/create
14: Delete Listing: When clicked, a confirmation modal will appear for you to confirm this action. Once a listing has been deleted, this cannot be undone and the listing will no longer show in your Dashboard.
Note: It's not possible to delete a listing if tickets have been issued for an upcoming event. Those tickets must be cancelled and refunded for your listing to be deleted.