Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to reconcile a Universe order to the amount reported in your Stripe account
Note: This article is intended for host's who have set up Stripe Connect to process their payments. Stripe processing fee will be charged to you by Stripe and not passed on as a Universe fee in our system. Learn about payment processing preferences.
This article includes:
-How to review an order in your Universe account
-How to export your payment and transaction reports from Stripe
To cross-reference the orders made in Universe and what was paid out in Stripe:
First step, select an order you want to review from your Universe Listing.
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page and select the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager', select the ‘Orders & Attendees’ option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. Search for an order under the ‘Orders’ tab, and click on the three dots next to the order you would like to view. Select ‘View Order’ from the drop-down menu.
4. From the new window click on the ‘View Receipt’ tab and review the order you have selected.
Note: In this example, the Admin Fee is the additional fee you have added to your listing to help cover Stripe's processing fee.
Note: The Service Charge is the service fee charged by Universe. The service charge is sent to Stripe as a Fee, that is added to their Reports under the Fees columns.
Tip: You may also review your orders by downloading the ‘Orders’ report from your ‘Event Manager’ page.
Note: Any additional fees added to your listing, count as revenue, and are added to your net sales total on your dashboard: Revenue includes your tickets sales with any taxes and additional fees you’ve collected and does not include any discounts, Universe fees or commissions.
After you have reviewed the order in Universe, the second step is to either export your payment (what buyers paid) or transaction (what Stripe paid out) reports from your Stripe Connect account.
1.Log-in to your Stripe Connect account and go to your dashboard.
2. From your dashboard, select the ‘Payments’ option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
Or click on ‘Balance’ and select ‘Transactions’ from the drop-down menu.
3. Once you have selected which report you want to use, all of your data can be filtered and exported as reports in CSV format.
4. Once you have exported your reports, search for the buyer's email, of the payment or transaction, you are looking to review.
5. On the CSV report downloaded from Stripe, look for columns with the header ‘Amount’ and ‘Fee’.
Note: The column with the header ‘Amount’ is the total amount paid by the buyer and processed by Stripe. The column with the header ‘Fee’ is the combined Stripe service fee and Universe service fee for each order.
Tip: You can also search for the order by entering the buyer's email in the search box of your dashboard in Stripe.
Note: Stripe bundles the Service Fees (Universe fee and Stripe processing fee) into one line in their reporting. You can find Stripe's fee by searching for a particular order and hovering over the 'i' beside the fee amount
Warning: The Stripe processing fee may vary. The Stripe processing fee charged by Stripe may not match the additional fees you have set up.