Connect your Universe account to Stripe to process payments for your event with your own merchant account. To sign up for a Stripe account, click here. If you already have a Stripe account, you can connect it to your Universe account using the steps below.
Note: Please read the pros and cons for each option to fully understand the change you are making, including the associated fees. When integrating with Stripe, you'll be charged a processing fee by Stripe instead of the Universe processing fee, and the Stripe fee is not passed on as a Universe fee through our system. If you'd like to pass the fees charged to you by Stripe on to your buyers, you can do so by creating an additional fee. Please note that if you are absorbing the Universe Service Fee into your price, or your additional fee also includes other fees, this will need to be taken into account when passing on your Stripe fees through Universe. Click here for steps on setting up an additional fee.
Warning: Starting April 1, 2020 all accounts will have a non-refundable processing fee through Stripe Connect for cancelled tickets.
To set Stripe as the default processor per currency:
1. Login to your Universe account and select Settings from the dropdown menu at the top right of the page.
Then, click on the 'Payment Preferences' tab.
2. From the Payment Preference tab, scroll down to the "Default Payment Preferences Per Currency" section.
3. Click 'Switch to Stripe' to connect your Stripe account for each currency needed. Once you do so, you'll be re-directed to Stripe's website, fill in the form, and select 'Authorize access to this account' button located at the bottom of the page.
Note For USD Accounts: Once you have connected a USD Stripe account on this page, a second USD option will appear to link an account for at-the-door payments using a supported card reader. You can connect the same Stripe account you use for Online payments or you can connect a separate account.
Note: For non-USD events you will not need to connect a separate account for at-the-door payments. You will automatically use the same Stripe account for online and at-the-door payments using a supported card reader.
4. Once you are done integrating Stripe with your Universe account, you can set your default payment processor per currency for each event you create from that point on. This can be changed at any time.
Note: You can set the payment processor on a listing to be different from your default processor settings.
To set Stripe as the processor on a single listing:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your 'My Events' page, and select the title of the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager', select the 'Payments & Fees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen and then 'Payment Processors' from the additional options below.
3. From the 'Payment Processors' tab, set your payment processing preference by selecting the 'Switch to Stripe Connect' button. This will automatically save your selection.